Choosing The Right Filling System

What should I look for when choosing a filling system?
There are several things you should look for when choosing an oxygen-filling system, from capacity to payment and regulatory compliance.

Gas to Gas or Liquid to Gas?
The rule of thumb is that if you fill under 100 cylinders a week, you should be fine with a gas-to-gas system. If you are close to that 100 mark and see your business growing, we recommend going straight to the liquid-to-gas model. Many people who are on the cusp and choose the gas to gas, usually come back to us in a year or two to upgrade to the liquid to gas.

How do I comply with all those FDA requirements?
FDA requirements are simple. Essentially, you must register with the FDA annually (which we can do for you), follow your policy and procedure manual (which we have a form for you to customize) and calibrate some of your equipment annually.

How do I pay for it?
Most companies receive very favorable financing from our leasing.

Just ask us for details! 888-327-7301

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