What can an oxygen refilling system offer me?
Refilling your own oxygen cylinders is a cost-effective alternative to supplier refills. Two main types of oxygen refilling systems are available: Gas-to-Gas (HP) and Liquid-to-Gas. Both methods save you money compared to purchasing cylinder refills from a supplier.
How do I determine the right refilling system for my needs?
It depends on the volume of cylinders you use weekly (monthly and yearly). Smaller volume users (under 100 cylinders per week) typically opt for gas-to-gas systems, while liquid-to-gas systems suit larger volume users.
How many cylinders per hour can each system fill?
The OF-7000 liquid-to-gas system can fill at least 66 "E" cylinders per hour, while a typical gas-to-gas system can fill at least 25 "E" cylinders per hour.
How do I comply with all the regulations?
If you choose Applied Home Healthcare Equipment for equipment and training, we can guide you through the process, providing necessary paperwork. After proper training, staying compliant is straightforward.
Do I need to find a new building to accommodate a transfilling system?
Each situation varies, but you can often rearrange existing warehouse space. A liquid-to-gas system typically needs about 10 feet by 20 feet of space. A gas-to-gas system requires approximately eight feet by up to 15-20 feet, with the possibility of needing a wall for mounting. Liquid-to-gas systems also need access to the outdoors through a nearby wall.
How do I pay for it?
Most companies recieve favorable financing from our leasing. Just contact us at info@applied-inc.com or 888-327-7301!
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