Westlake, OH – August 18, 2021 – Applied Home Healthcare Equipment, a long-trusted resource for oxygen filling, technical and regulatory support for DME and HME providers, has announced the release of their newest model of their popular thermal shut-off device OxySafe2™. The new version provides two directional protection against oxygen fires caused by patients smoking, using candles, stove-top ranges or other open flames while receiving oxygen therapy. Such fires are particularly prevalent in situations where oxygen therapy is provided in the home environment where there is limited patient supervision, though it may occur in environments like healthcare facilities and nursing homes. Jim Christ General Manager of Applied Home Healthcare Equipment said “OxySafe has always been an important and reliable device for our providers who want to protect their patients from the dangers of home oxygen fires. We are excited to introduce this product line improvement to the OxySafe in order to help in the mitigation of oxygen fires.” OxySafe2 is a thermal fuse designed to stop the flow of gas in the event that the downstream cannula or supply tube is ignited, and will meet VA, ISO and other regulatory requirements. With OxySafe2, the PVC tube is inclined to extinguish because PVC will not normally burn in air—offering healthcare providers a cost-effective solution to lower the risk of serious patient injury in a dangerous oxyg
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