If a patient is new to CPAP therapy, they may have some trouble getting used to wearing their mask throughout the night. Below are a few quick tips that may help them feel more comfortable, and a FREE mask fitting guide for maximizing your patient outcomes and profits.
1. Correct size and fit.

Without a good seal, therapy will suffer and so will compliance. Try as many masks as is needed to get the right fit. Many manufacturers will have a downloadable fit guide (like Applied’s here) to ensure the proper fit... every time!
2. Share your knowledge.
The more your patients know about their equipment, the more they will feel comfortable with it and get better results. Encourage your patients to ask questions, and help them understand the outcomes and set their expectations.
3. Teach patients how to change their CPAP filters.
Many patients don’t even know where the filter is on their machine. Take a few moments to show patients how to clean or replace the filter. A dirty filter can create blockages in the machine and cause the patient’s treatment quality to suffer.