Did you know that the warranty for our popular 5-setting OxyGo has changed from three years to five? We are confident in extending our warranty due in large part to the reliability and quality of our 5-setting OxyGo POC.
As you know, OxyGo POCs are the most reliable in our industry with a return rate for all causes of less than 1.7%. And going forward, your 5-setting OxyGo will not only provide most capable, reliable, quality, quiet, and patient-demanded POC in the market, it now has a five-year warranty—meaning that now your customers have even more reasons to use OxyGo for all their POC needs!
Please note that this new warranty only applies to the 5-setting OxyGo. The OxyGo Fit will remain with the current 3-1-1 warranty. OxyGo sieve bed and battery warranties will remain at one year. The new five-year warranty is effective only with 5-setting OxyGo POCs shipped on or after April 3rd, 2017 and does not apply to units previously sold (i.e., the new five-year warranty on the unit is not retroactive).
Learn more about the benefits of being an OxyGo provider here or contact us at orders@applied-inc.com or (440) 788-4101.